Living conditions for children with disabilities
Den här rapporten beskriver barns upplevelser av skolan, fritiden, relationer till föräldrar, lärare och kamrater, vad man bidrar med i hushållet, ekonomi och trygghet. Uppgifterna kommer från undersökningarna av barns levnadsförhållanden (Barn-ULF) 2023 som genomförs med webbenkäter till barn i åldrarna 12–18 år. I rapporten beskrivs levnadsförhållanden för barn med funktionsnedsättning i relation till övriga jämnåriga.
This report describes children's experiences of school, leisure time, relationships with parents, teachers, and peers, their contributions to household tasks, as well as their economic situation and sense of security. The data comes from the 2023 survey on children's living conditions (Barn-ULF), conducted through web questionnaires for children aged 12–18. The report outlines the living conditions of children with disabilities in comparison to their peers.
- The entire publication:
- Living conditions for children with disabilities (pdf)
- Series:
- LE - Living conditions
- Language:
- Swedish
- Urn:
- urn:nbn:se:scb-2024-lebr2406_pdf
- 1654-1707 (Online)
- Responsible for statistics:
- Statistics Sweden
- Official statistics of Sweden:
- Yes
- Published:
- 2024-11-27
- Enquiries: