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Construction Cost Index for collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings

Wage drift and VAT excluded

Collectively built one- or two-dwelling buildings 2023 2024
Type of costs May Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Materials 154.9 155.4 156.2 156.8 156.9 158.0 159.1
Labour, wage drift excluded 119.3 119.5 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 123.5
Plant and equipment 133.0 134.9 134.9 134.4 134.4 134.4 135.0
Transport, energy 140.7 141.9 136.9 136.0 136.3 137.5 135.2
Contractor's other costs 127.7 129.6 130.9 130.8 130.9 132.9 133.1
Contractor's costs (1–5) 136.6 137.4 137.6 137.7 137.8 138.7 140.3
Clients other costs 169.9 177.7 178.2 178.7 178.9 179.7 180.0
Total Construction cost index (1–6) 143.1 145.2 145.5 145.7 145.8 146.6 148.0

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Official Statistics of Sweden
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