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Increased Price Base Amount

Year Increased Price Basic Amount, SEK
2025 60 000
2024 58 500
2023 53 500
2022 49 300
2021 48 600
2020 48 300
2019 47 400
2018 46 500
2017 45 700
2016 45 200
2015 45 400
2014 45 300
2013 45 400
2012 44 900
2011 43 700
2010 43 300
2009 43 600
2008 41 800
2007 41 100
2006 40 500
2005 40 300
2004 40 100
2003 39 400
2002 38 700
2001 37 700
2000 37 300
1999 37 200
1998 37 100
1997 37 000
1996 36 800


The increased price basic amount (previously the increased basic amount) is calculated based on changes in the general price level, in accordance with the National Insurance Act (2010:110). Calculations are based on the change in the Consumer Price Index and established for the entire calendar year. The increased price base amount is rounded to the nearest hundred SEK.

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Official Statistics of Sweden
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