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Exports by important SITC commodity groups

The Swedish export of goods by SITC (SEK million)

Commodity group according to SITC Value January-April Share
in %
in %
  2024 2023 2024 2024/2023
TOTAL 698 840 704 650 100.0 ‑1
Wood and paper products 62 370 65 530 8.9 ‑5
Wood 14 425 15 365 2.1 ‑6
Pulp and waste paper 10 058 11 863 1.4 ‑15
Paper, paperproducts 35 108 35 579 5.0 ‑1
Minerals 66 005 75 625 9.4 ‑13
Iron ore and concentrates 6 517 12 139 0.9 ‑46
Iron and steel 27 915 32 974 4.0 ‑15
Non-ferrous metals 17 777 15 968 2.5 11
Chemicals, rubber products 107 171 105 826 15.3 1
Organic/inorganic chemicals 9 722 11 997 1.4 ‑19
Pharmaceuticals products 53 902 50 740 7.7 6
Plastics 16 748 16 161 2.4 4
Mineral fuels, electric current 55 102 58 484 7.9 ‑6
Petroleum products 47 805 46 148 6.8 4
Machinery, transport equipment 317 760 307 409 45.5 3
Manufactures of metals 17 319 17 139 2.5 1
Industrial machinery 103 579 101 425 14.8 2
Electronics, telecommunication 67 275 65 554 9.6 3
Road vehicles 111 398 104 504 15.9 7
Passenger cars 60 172 55 390 8.6 9
Lorries, trucks[1] 17 731 17 208 2.5 3
Parts and accessories 26 114 24 606 3.7 6
Other transport equipment 2 867 4 007 0.4 ‑28
Instruments, photo/optical equip 15 323 14 780 2.2 4
Other products 90 432 91 776 12.9 ‑1
Food, beverages, tobacco 44 547 45 299 6.4 ‑2
Textiles, clothing, footwear 17 508 18 014 2.5 ‑3
Furniture 7 739 8 054 1.1 ‑4

[1] Includes road tractors for semi-trailers

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