Open data for grid statistics
Harmonised data that follows the INSPIRE Directive, with grids adapted to the European reference system ETRS89, can be retrieved through the downloading service at the Geodata Portal. There are additional formats here with simpler sets of variables and grids adapted to the national reference system SWEREF99TM.
The source of the statistics is Statistics Sweden’s Total Population Register, which is updated annually. Coordinates can be retrieved from Lantmäteriet.
Available statistics
- Total population
- Population by age in five-year intervals
- Population by sex
A statistical method is used to protect the data of individuals in the statistics presented. For this reason, the presented totals do not always equal the sum of their reported components.
How you may use Statistics Sweden’s open geodata
Statistics for multiple years and with other groupings can be ordered from Statistics Sweden.
Download GIS layers on grids
To see the grids and access the statistics, a GIS tool is needed.
National grid system
Coordinate system SWEREF99_TM
Geopackage (zip-file)
Total population
Coordinate system SWEREF99_TM
Geopackage (zip-file)
Population by age in five-year ranges
Coordinate system SWEREF99_TM
Geopackage (zip-file)
Population by sex
Coordinate system SWEREF99_TM
Geopackage (zip-file)