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The Council for Official Statistics

Statistics Sweden has a council for the official statistics. The Council consists of representatives from the statistical agencies and has the task to give advice and support to Statistics Sweden in the role of coordination for the official statistics.

The Council for Official Statistics (ROS) was established on 1 February 2002. The Council has been created by the government, and Statistics Sweden's directive (2016:822) regulates the tasks and composition. The Council is tasked with giving advice and support to Statistics Sweden concerning:

  • promoting cooperation between the agencies responsible for statistics
  • giving advice and support to agencies responsible for statistics on matters of principle regarding the quality of official statistics, and regarding issues of facilitating data provision
  • no later than 31 March every year, submit a report to the Government on the system for the official statistics, including an analysis of evaluations of quality that the agencies responsible for statistics are to carry out under Section 13 a of the Official Statistics Ordinance (2001:100)
  • maintaining a list of the statistical products of the agencies responsible for statistics
  • compiling an annual publishing plan for official statistics.

Representatives in the Council

The council consists of government agency directors of those agencies responsible for statistics. It consists of at most twelve representatives and a chair. The Director General of Statistics Sweden is the chair of the Council. Six of the representatives are permanent: Swedish Social Insurance Agency, Swedish Forest Agency, National Board of Health and Welfare, Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Board of Agriculture and Swedish National Agency for Education.

Other representatives are appointed by Statistics Sweden after consultation with all the statistical agencies and receive an appointment for three years at most. The Council meets at least once per year.

Representatives in the Council for Official Statistics as of 1 January 2024


Joakim Stymne, Statistics Sweden

Permanent representatives

  • Nils Öberg, Swedish Social Insurance Agency
  • Herman Sundqvist, Swedish Forest Agency
  • Björn Eriksson, National Board of Health and Welfare
  • Caroline Asserup, Swedish Energy Agency
  • Christina Nordin, Swedish Board of Agriculture
  • Joakim Malmström, Swedish National Agency for Education

Rotating representatives

  • Lars Lööw, Swedish Work Environment Authority, 2022–2024
  • Mattias Larsson, Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, 2022–2024
  • Christina Forsberg, The Swedish Board of Student Finance, 2022–2025
  • Thomas Rolén, The Swedish National Courts Administration, 2022–2025
  • Clas Olsson, The Swedish National Financial Management Authority, 2024–2026
  • Daniel Barr, Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, 2024-2026

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