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Nyckelord med kod eller siffror


Indicates if data is in current or fixed prices.
C is used for Current and F for Fixed prices.
Quotation marks must be used. CFPRICES="C"
If the table has a contents variable the keyword is written as CFPRICES("value")="C".


The number of decimals in the table cells. 0 - 15. (0-6 if SHOWDECIMALS is not included). Indicates how many decimals will be saved in the PC-Axis file. Written without quotation marks. Compare SHOWDECIMALS.


This keyword is read and saved in the PX-file but not shown in PC-axis. Can be used in an interface to select as specific graph


Indicate how the tree is to be displayed when the tree is shown for the first time
Example: HIERARCHYLEVELSOPEN("Country")=1 the first level is open.


Indicate the number of levels existing for a symmetrical tree.
Example: HIERARCHYLEVELS("Country")=4


If this keyword is used it must occur as many times as there are variables in the stub. It contains the name of the variable and whether the key is taken from VALUES or CODES. Example:
When it is used all data rows start with the Value/code of the variables in the stub. See Description of Data.


The language used in the PC-Axis file (2 chars), sv for Swedish, en for English etc. Compare language codes for text files. If the keyword is used, the words for “and” and “by” are read from the text file of that language. Otherwise these words are read from the text file of the language in which the program is running.


If more than one language in the PC-Axis file then all languages are mentioned here (2 chars each), Example: LANGUAGES="en","sv";


Can occur for single values. Determines that the value shall be presented with a number of decimals that differs from the keyword SHOWDECIMALS. Is to be written as PRECISION("variable name","value name")=n where n is a figure between 1 and 6.
The number of decimals for precision must be higher than the number of decimals for SHOWDECIMALS to have any effect.


States if texts or codes are shown for the keyword VALUES.
Normally a file is created so that texts are found after the keyword VALUES and codes after the keyword CODES. This is equivalent to PRESTEXT("variable name")=1; which is the default.
If a user changes presentation from texts to codes and saves the file the value codes will be saved after the keyword VALUES and value texts after the keyword CODES. In this case the keyword PRESTEXT is written as PRESTEXT("variable name")=0. This enables PC-Axis to know if it is necessary to switch to codes if aggregation is selected.
The user can also decide to show both codes and texts for a value and in this case the keyword is saved as PRESTEXT("variable name")=2 or PRESTEXT("variable name")=3. PRESTEXT becomes 2 if it originally was 1 and 3 if it originally was 0.


If rounding is missing then rounding will be done in accordance with information in the pcax2000.ini file. If the keyword is missing then the decimalrule in pcax2000.ini is used. Rounding = 0 means that .5 is rounded up if the previous figure is odd, 1.5 becomes 2. Rounding = 1 means that .5 is always rounded up. 0.5 becomes 1 and 1.5 becomes 2.


The number of decimals to be shown in the table, 0-6. Must be the same or smaller than the number stored as indicated by the keyword DECIMALS. If SHOWDECIMALS is not stated in the file the number stated by DECIMALS will be used.


Indicates if data is stock, flow or average. The used characters S (stock), F (flow) and A (average) must be within quotation marks. STOCKFA="S"
If the table has a contents variable the keyword is written as STOCKFA("value")="S".